The platform where I spent a lot of time, live moderating Microsoft sessions whether they were live or re-runs, is Microsoft Virtual Academy. But as the saying goes, “all good things come to an end”. Microsoft is currently quite busy in the background to consolidate its’ online courseware into their new Microsoft Learn platform.

Microsoft Virtual Academy
Why does that matter to you?
Some of the content currently available could be retired in the near future, so check your MVA Dashboardfrequently, to see whether courses you have started are still valid. To earn your certificates of completion, be sure to finish any courses by January 31, 2019.
You can find your Learning Plans on the MVA website by browsing to and login with your Microsoft account.When you’re logged in, click the “Dashboard” button in the top-right corner to view your Learning Paths.
I know MVA, what is Microsoft Learn?
Microsoft Learn is a free interactive learning environment that includes short step-by-step tutorials, interactive coding/scripting environments, and task-based achievements that help you advance your technical cloud skills.

Microsoft Learn
Microsoft promises that “The new training catalog on Microsoft Learn will continue to grow”, and I’m sure it will since it’s very cloud-only at this time. I hope that the content around Windows Server, Client and System Center will also find its’ way onto Microsoft Learn in some form, but only time will tell…
For now, to get you started, here’s a nice “Azure Fundamentals” learning path from Microsoft Learn:
Read more on this subject here: in a blogpost from BJ O’Hare.