From the 19th of June, a four day long IT Pro event will take place in the beautiful city of Haarlem, Netherlands.
The name of this event is ‘Office 365 engage’ with different sessions from Azure Infrastructure to Office 365. Speakers from around the world: Microsoft MVPs (31), Microsoft MCMs and much more skilled presenters (45 in total) will get you up to speed on the latest Microsoft Cloud technologies.
Speakers include well known, international names as Mary Jo Foley, Paul Thurott and Tony Redmond, and some usual Dutch suspects like Jasper Oosterveld, Maarten Eekels and Albert Jan Schot.
You might wonder why the Azureman gives his love to an Office365 gathering? Well, this year they’ve chosen to host an Azure Infrastructure track, to be found here. This track covers sessions on Hybrid identity, Azure Security, AD Connect and even a session Azure Infrastructure for developers by Tiago Costa!
Register today at The full package, which includes session recordings goes for almost 800 euro’s, if you just go for the live-experience, you’ll save 200 euro’s and get in 2 study days for 599.