We hear the same thing over and over again with every visit to one of our customers, new and old…. “Our current storage solution has almost reached capacity….”
We think a normal reply to that statement is asking whether there is some sort of data-classification proces s in place, to see which data is actively being used by the organisation and is considered to be part of the “working-set” or so called “hot-data”? Research has shown us that in most companies, about 15% of the data in companies is used on a daily basis, but data which is stored is exponentially growing.
StorSimple, since 2012 incorporated into Microsoft, you now have a solution for this growing problem, and at the same time, have an affordable solution for Disaster Recovery.
Despite the young age of this solution, the device is already certified by Microsoft and VMware. StorSimple uses the power of the cloud to solve the challenges of IT managers in the storage segment; namely cost and timely data recovery.
Storsimple uses the attached storage within a cloud subscription as an automated storage tier. This will create capacity on-premise while the data for the end user remains available in all cases. The much-accessed data remains on-premise and is presented from the SSDs while the blocks that are less frequently consulted or not being touched at all automatically move via SAS over time to the cloud.
Cloud-based and location–independent disaster recovery processes ensure that customers can recover their data from almost any location with Internet access. It is also possible to plan to test the DR without the production systems or applications hereby are at risk.
Because StorSimple uses so-called “Thin-restore” techniques users quickly have their data, faster than restoring a traditional backup from disk or tape.
After a disaster StorSimple device will restore the data on the new device which was connected after the disaster. However, when a user requests a document where the device is not ready to come, is given priority to that particular document at that time.